Our online library is a collection of articles and information which we believe to be relevant to the concepts of sovereignty, micro-nations, self-determination and related issues.
Please also see the research articles and other news we have published on our Blog.
Our Info & News Blog:
Report on MicroCon 2023 EU
A delegation from Glamorgannwg Indigenous People, one of the founding member micronations of Fellowship of Indigenous Peoples (FIP), attended MicroCon 2023 EU in mid-August 2023. Drunemeton Micro-Nation, also a founding…
Review of Peace Keepers Course
No one is above the law, and all are equal under the law. The Peace Keepers concept, including a comprehensive website with information on Equity Law, Natural Law, Statute Law…
Drunemeton Micro-Nation to Attend MicroCon 2023 EU
A convention from Drunemeton Micro-Nation of Indigenous Peoples hopes to attend MicroCon 2023 EU, a gathering of some of the world’s most influential and important micronations. From the MicroCon 2023…
Frequently Asked Questions about Micro-Nationalism and Micro-Nations
The concept of micro-nationalism and why there are so-called ‘micro-nations’ across the globe is multi-faceted. Although there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of micro-nations, almost every one has been formed and…
Read our Latest Newsletters
We aim to publish an update of events and information every two months or so, via a community newsletter. We hope to include news of events we’ve arranged or other…
Foraging Walk and Wild Tea Tasting, Hertfordshire (Sunday 14 May 2023)
Come and join us to learn about foraging in the hedgerows and fields. You’ll be surprised at what edible and helpful plants you will find, growing in places you wouldn’t…
Background Reading
The Law of Nations or the Principles of Natural Law by Emmerich de Vattel: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/law-of-nations/812E3C4E83DDA2AF494F1C6ABBDCFB82 [published 1758-1834-2015, accessed 03/08/2022].
You can download a copy here: https://drunemeton-nation.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Vattel-LawOfNations.pdf [PDF, 483 pages].