Drunemeton Micro-Nation of Indigenous Peoples is a self-determined micro-nation composed of sovereign, indigenous peoples, declared under Natural Law. We are working towards ensuring our micro-nation offers independence, security and protection of rights for our members.
Our members are currently based in various locations in and around Hertfordshire and South East of England, UK, with the intention of developing fully functioning, self-sufficient communities on the ground when we can. In the meantime, we arrange and attend events based on self-sufficiency, natural health, freedom and sovereignty, which anyone, even non-members, are welcome to participate in.
All are welcome
Anyone is welcome to join our micro-nation, no matter where you live in the world. We ask that you look into our Constitution and read our website so you are fully informed before approaching us to join. Our members all have busy lives, so we recognise that some can contribute more than others, and we welcome members making suggestions or driving projects that are close to their hearts, as long as these align with our Constitution and values.
Why are we different?
We believe it’s time to take action, improve our knowledge and skills, and start creating the future we want, outside of any controlled, totalitarian dystopia. We think that merely talking about societal breakdown, economic crashes and governmental overreach – all being deliberately orchestrated in the name of an imposed ‘Great Reset’ – won’t solve anything! That’s why we’re focusing our attention on learning, skills and experiences as much as we can.
What are we up to?
We invite you to take a look around our website, especially our Constitution which lays out our core values and principles; the events we arrange and/or participate in; the Community Interest Projects we’re in the process of setting up; our library which summarises some of the research we’ve done; and ways to become a member of Drunemeton Micro-Nation.
We’re on Telegram and Facebook too. Hope to meet you soon 🙂
Our Objectives

1. Explore various means of declaring and acting on our unalienable rights to autonomy and sovereignty, both individually and as a group of indigenous peoples;
2. Focus on using the simplest, most effective and replicable methodologies to do so;
3. Protect, develop and grow our members and communities within our micro-nation, and assist others to do the same;
4. Be both knowledge- and action-oriented; using the considerable knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences we already have within our nation and in other groups and fellowships, and advancing our knowledge and actions, for robust community and nation research and development;
5. Reach out to like-minded peoples, groups, fellowships and nations to share information and resources;
6. Aim ultimately to become an autonomous micro-nation composed of numerous self-sufficient communities; which will share, interact and trade within fellowships of similar groups, communities and micro-nations.
Drunemeton: Our Name

Gk. dru-, drus, oak; nemeton, sacred place, sanctuary.
The ‘oak sanctuary’ of Galatia, the Celtic province of Asia Minor, as described by Strabo (1st cent. ad), the Roman geographer. A council of the Galatians met here.
Source: https://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095732249

Oak tree artwork from https://pixabay.com/vectors/oak-tree-landscape-surreal-5126775/