We aim to both both knowledge- and action-oriented, so plan to offer various information events, training workshops, demonstrations and other events. See our latest events below.

Paying Debts with a Signature – Online Talk by Mark Cawkwell
An eye-opening live webinar (via Zoom) on Thursday 27th February 2025 at 6pm-8.30pm
Discover the hidden power of your signature and how it can reshape your financial situation.
Presented by Mark Cawkwell, founder of Cymru Community Trust and Head of Debt Matters at EmpowerthePeople.earth. Mark aims to take you through not only how and why the money system is the way that it is, but also how with knowledge you can use it for your advantage and benefit.
Join us and learn the tools you need to challenge the system and reclaim control over your finances!
BOOKING ESSENTIAL! Concessions available – please ask.

Biological Laws of Nature (German New Medicine) – Presentation & Workshop
Presented by natural health author & therapist Danielle Bryant and Lloyd Bryant.
Learning about the 5 biological laws of nature will move you from viewing health and your body with fear of disease and malfunction to one of love, appreciation and gratitude for the amazing work each of our cells does every minute to keep us alive. Empower yourself by understanding the purposeful nature of what we once considered as disease.
Date: Saturday 08 June 2024: 10.30am-4pm. Refreshments available, but please bring your own packed lunch.
Venue: Welwyn Garden City Central Library, Hertfordshire.

Using Private Trusts to Protect Your Assets – Online Talk
Presented by Mark Cawkwell, founder of Cymru Community Trust and Head of Debt Matters at EmpowerthePeople.earth.
Mark has been a student of money, law, banking and using trusts for over 13 years, helping to protect people and their assets as a professional third party intervener. He has helped dozens of people where money was being demanded from them and has been highly successful in challenging unsecured debt.
Date: Saturday 13 April 2024: 4.45pm – 7pm.
Venue: Online (Zoom link to be provided).

Foraging Walk and Wild Tea Tasting, Hertfordshire
Come and join us for a fun and sociable walk in the fresh air, learn about edible and useful plants growing around us, and taste some wild tea made with our findings. Damien, a community member with plenty of first-hand knowledge, will lead the walk and talk about the herbs we see.
Bring your own bottled water, mugs, snacks and picnic blankets (you will have to carry these with you on the walk – we suggest using a small backpack).
We will provide kettles and small gas stoves to share, but contact us if you can help out with this.
Date: Sunday 14 May 2023: 10.30am-12.30pm + socialising in pub afterwards (optional).
Venue: Meet outside The Bell Pub, High Street, Standon, SG11 1LA, Hertfordshire (from 10am).
The walk is free. You will need to pay for your drinks/food in the pub.

An Afternoon Exploring Alternatives to the Current Financial System
This event will have two speakers. We’ll kick off with Fred Brett, one of the founders of GCILBullion.co.uk, talking about how you can make easy monthly investments in gold and silver.
Drunemeton Micro-Nation has a community accumulator account, which means less hassle for everyone, and your gold/silver is yours. We don’t earn commission – this is simply a community bulk buying account, so we all benefit from discounts and easier admin.
Next, Kathryn, one of the founders of Drunemeton Micro-Nation, will teach you all the basics you need to know about Cryptocurrency. Kathryn was on the development teams of two community crypto projects, and keeps up to date with crypto market developments, including the threat of CBDCs.
Date: Postponed – date to be confirmed
Venue: Large Meeting Room, Welwyn Garden City Central Library, Campus West, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 6AJ
Donation: £10 per person (£6 concession) – places are limited, so book now! 🙂

Foraging Walk, Hertfordshire
Come and join us for a free, sociable walk in the fresh air, and learn about edible and useful plants growing around us, from Damien, a community member.
Date: Sunday 20 November 2022: 10.30am-12noon + socialising in pub afterwards (optional)
Venue: Meet at The Bell Pub, High Street, Standon, SG11 1LA
The walk is free. You will need to pay for your drinks/food in the pub.