This page presents some of the key research and developments of the Community Interest Project (CIP) group on Remedies for Debts, Fines & Court Issues. Content may change, so please check back regularly.
Review of Peace Keepers Course

April 2023 – Dale, a founder member of Drunemeton Micro-Nation, has recently completed the Peace Keepers online training course. We have written a summary and review of the Peace Keepers training, so you can evaluate whether you’d also like to undergo the training, or get involved with Peace Keepers in other ways.
Notices to Energy Companies

September 2022 – Due to the artificially raised prices of Natural Gas and Electricity by energy companies in the UK, we have developed a three Notice process to challenge any UK-based energy company, disputing the raised prices.
The premise in these Notices is that if the energy company provides Bona Fide evidence for numerous points given in the Notice, then the sender agrees to pay the raised prices. If the energy company cannot prove the points, then through the three Notice process, they will have tacitly agreed that their raised prices are invalid and that the sender is within their rights to continue to pay the current amount and no more.
All about Trusts

One of the mechanisms of protecting your assets from those who may challenge you on financial or legal issues is the use of Trusts. Download our research and links on Trusts and Trust Law here [PDF, 2 pages].
See how Trusts are part of our Micro-Nation membership and protection options here.