Notices for Energy Companies

September 2022 – Due to the artificially raised prices of Natural Gas and Electricity by energy companies in the UK, we have developed a three Notice process to challenge any UK-based energy company, disputing the raised prices.

The premise in these Notices is that if the energy company provides Bona Fide evidence for numerous points given in the Notice, then the sender agrees to pay the raised prices. If the energy company cannot prove the points, then through the three Notice process, they will have tacitly agreed that their raised prices are invalid and that the sender is within their rights to continue to pay the current amount and no more.

Notice 1: Notice of Conditional Acceptance (NOCA) – the first Notice outlines the points you need them to prove in order for them to justify their higher energy prices (for example, you are asking the energy company to prove they own the natural resource known as Natural Gas and that it is therefore within their rights to charge for it, and other points). If, after 14 days, they have either not responded, or not responded appropriately with proof of ALL the points (ignore any phone calls, emails or responses to a “complaint” because your Notice is a legal dispute document and needs an appropriate response from them), then send them the second Notice.

Notice 2: Opportunity to Cure (OTC) – the second Notice refers to the previously sent NOCA, and restates the points, requesting them again for their evidence that all points are true. If, after 14 days, they have either not responded, or not responded appropriately with proof of ALL the points (ignore any phone calls, emails or responses to a “complaint” because your Notice is a legal dispute document and needs an appropriate response from them), then send them the third Notice.

Notice 3: Notice of Default and Estoppel (NDE) – the third Notice refers to the previously sent NOCA and OTC, but now states that as no evidence was forthcoming from the energy company on all the points, that they have tacitly agreed that all the reworded points are valid, that therefore raising energy prices based on those points is invalid, and that the sender is now within their rights to not pay any more for their energy.

It is important to note that with the third Notice, the wording of the points must be changed so as to state the points as they have been tacitly agreed to. For example, if the energy company has not provided any evidence that they own the natural resource known as Natural Gas and that they can charge for it, then the reworded point would be something to the effect of: ‘the energy company agrees that they do NOT own the natural resource known as Natural Gas, and that they CANNOT therefore charge for it.’

The templates for the three Notices appear below. Our Notices were addressed to Head Office of British Gas/Centrica, but you can use these Notices by editing text appropriately and where relevant, for your energy company too. Note that any text in square brackets requires you to replace it with your own details, except for fixed publication dates of any referenced articles.

Notice 1: NOCA

[sender’s name and address]

[name of Energy Company and Head Office address]


Notice of Conditional Acceptance.

Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal.

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Re: [British Gas] customer number [xxxxxx]

Thank you for your recent communications about the Ofgem price cap, imminent energy price increases, and the government discount.

I am writing to you with regards to the projected energy price increases due to Ofgem lifting the price cap on 01 October 2022 and later dates, and how these will impact my British Gas bill. I am aware that the new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, has capped the price at approximately £2500 per household per year, but that the total bill per household could vary depending on their energy usage.

In regards to the projected increase in my monthly energy bills, I would be happy to pay the increased prices on condition that you supply me with independent Bona Fide evidence of ALL of the following points:

1). Evidence that [British Gas] owns, in part or in whole, the natural resource known as Natural Gas, wherever its country of origin, despite Natural Gas being a natural resource made in abundance by the natural processes of planet Earth; and evidence therefore that it is not available to all, for free, on that basis, except for a reasonable service charge to cover costs of maintaining the infrastructure to supply gas to residential or commercial customers.

2). Evidence that [British Gas] owns gas and electricity meters plus all relevant metering equipment in full; and evidence that [British Gas] does not own only the serial numbers of gas and electricity meters, for billing and data purposes only; and evidence that gas and electricity meters plus all relevant metering equipment are not owned by National Grid Plc and/or gas pipeline and electricity supply delivery network companies. Note that if not owned in full by [British Gas], then it would therefore be fraudulent to enter my home to forcefully change my meters to smart credit meters or smart prepayment meters without my permission and the permission of  those external companies, should you decide to take action in response to any alleged underpayment or non-payment issues.

3). Evidence that Russia, and its alleged invasion of Ukraine (as stated publicly by the previous UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who also has recently pledged a further £54 million military aid package to Ukraine), has caused an increase in energy prices, and that supplies have been disrupted as a result; and evidence that the UK does not import less than 4% of Natural Gas from Russia, which could easily be offset by switching to increased supplies from Norway and other countries. Given that [British Gas] allegedly uses a mix of 75% Renewable sources and 25% Nuclear for electricity, as claimed on your website, this would seem to have a negligible effect, for electricity at least, regarding import disruptions and the continuation of energy supplied to customers. I therefore fail to see how a significant increase in your energy prices, especially for electricity, could possibly be justifiable. For example, see: [25/08/2022] and [accessed xx/xx/xxxx] and [27/07/2022] and [25/02/2022].

4). Evidence that energy price increases are due, in full or in part, to the commonly quoted reason given as “Russia has invaded Ukraine” [as per reason 2 on your website at: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx]; and evidence that Ukraine, aided and abetted by NATO, were not the first to break The Minsk Agreement by continuing war crimes against Russian people of the Donbas region as far back as 2014, in direct contravention of the Agreement; and evidence that the United Nations were not notified that the Agreement was terminated by the Ukrainian Government in 2018. For example, see: [23/02/2022].

5). Evidence that Russia intended to stop trading with western countries, including the US and the UK, although recent developments may change this situation; and evidence that the UK Government did not impose sanctions against Russia since 2019, having thus decided of its own accord to block and cease many Russian trades and imports. Russia is presently enjoying a surge in its economy due to record exports of gas, oil and wheat to other countries including the USA and China. For example, see: [26/08/2022] and [28/03/2022] and [01/04/2022] and [updated 05/08/2022].

6). Evidence that Ofgem’s price cap increase and the resultant energy price increases are not related to deliberate attempts to reduce carbon emissions as per the UK’s Climate Change Act 2008, similar policies and acts, or a global or governmental agenda of deliberate manipulation of supply and demand of energy. According to The Global Warming Policy Foundation, which has compared data on weather extremes, they are in normal ranges and Climate Change has not contributed to Global Warming, contrary to what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has claimed in its IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. It appears that the IPCC has distorted data to suggest that Climate Change and Global Warming are occurring more than usual, to justify enforced changes to global energy use in order to curtail carbon emissions. Your website even claims that the standing charges (part of energy tariffs) include “commitments to reducing CO2 emissions to combat climate change” in addition to other things like connections and infrastructure to carry energy, and funding government initiatives for vulnerable people. For example, see: [27/07/2022] and [accessed xx/xx/xxxx].

7.) Evidence, if there are global, incontrovertible factors at play, as is usually claimed by British Gas and other UK energy companies on their websites and in mainstream media, that the UK therefore does not have some of the highest electricity and gas prices, compared to the rest of Europe; and evidence that there are no differences with countries’ prices for electricity and gas. For example, see this report from July 2022: [01/09/2022].

8.) Evidence that [British Gas] and its holding company [Centrica], who have announced pre-tax profits of over £98 million in the first 6 months of 2022, will not profit additionally from charging higher energy prices as a result of Ofgem’s increased price cap. You claim on your website that only 1% of energy bills is profit for energy companies, but note that 1% of larger bills is more profit than 1% of smaller bills – for example, if my bill is £1500 per year, you claim that your profit would only be £15 (1%), but if my bill increased to £3000 per year, your profits would surge to £30 (still 1%)! See: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx] and [25/08/2022].

9.) Evidence that [British Gas], one of the largest and apparently most profitable energy companies, has done all it can to ensure that none of its customers are now in fuel poverty; and evidence that no more customers will be forced into fuel poverty as a result of increased energy prices due to Ofgem’s increased price cap. Fuel poverty, according to Ofgem, is defined as “Those households who need to spend more than 10 per cent of their annual income on fuel to maintain an adequately heated home are considered to be in fuel poverty.” See: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx]. Although [British Gas] have announced to pledge 10% of their profits, up to £12 million, to their [British Gas Energy Support Fund] to help vulnerable customers, there is strict eligibility criteria for customers to access this support, and apparently only approximately 0.5% of all [British Gas] customers would be eligible. For example, see: [25/08/2022].

10). [delete this point/paragraph if not relevant to you] Evidence that you have on record that my household has a vulnerable and disabled person; and evidence that we have been placed on your Priority Services Register; and evidence that you understand it would therefore be inappropriate for you to hand over any alleged underpayments or debts to your collections department or a debt collection agency or similar organisation because this would cause additional harm and distress to my household; and evidence that you will not hand over any dispute to your collections department without first acknowledging, with Bona Fide evidence, all of the points that I have laid out in this Notice, without exception.

This is a dispute, initially a Notice of Conditional Acceptance, not a complaint or a letter. As a result you cannot in equity and at the risk of perjury, file for a default while a claim is being disputed. In the case of you filing for a default against me, I will then be forced to serve you with a no obligation challenge, and take this dispute to the relevant Ombudsman.  

Please supply me with satisfactory, independent Bona Fide evidence of ALL of the above points, not opinion or hearsay such as quotations from your website or from mainstream media, within 14 days from the receipt of this correspondence. Failure to do so will result in your agreement of my terms and conditions by Tacit Procuration. 

If you do not respond with satisfactory, independent Bona Fide evidence of all of the above points within 14 days, I reserve the right to cancel my direct debit with you and to continue paying you by means other than direct debit an amount not exceeding my current monthly direct debit, which is £[xxx.xx] per month; and if I choose to do so, I will also object if you then place me on a higher tariff with higher standing charges and/or higher unit rates, simply as a result of me cancelling my direct debit, as I have reason to believe this would amount to extortion and would therefore be a tort. I hereby notify you that any implied contract I have with British Gas is disagreeable, and any terms and conditions of that contract are null and void.

In conclusion, I believe we all have a right to an adequate lifestyle and a right to life, whether young or old, well or sick, employed or unemployed. The increased energy prices you will be charging after Ofgem lifts the price cap will directly and adversely affect the quality of my life, and of other members of my household, to the point that you will be responsible for financial injury, harm and loss, and what amounts to contravention of human rights.

Yours sincerely,

[sender to sign]

[print name of sender]

All Rights Reserved. Without Prejudice. Without ill will or vexation. Errors and omissions excepted.

Notice Two: OTC

[sender’s name and address]

[name of Energy Company and Head Office address]


Notice of Opportunity to Cure.

Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal.

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Re: [British Gas] customer number [xxxxxx]

I am writing to you with regards to the correspondence that I wrote to you dated [xx/xx/xxxx], laying out my terms for a Conditional Acceptance of your price increase, anticipating a reply from you with Bona Fide evidence of all of the points below.

To date, I have received no reply from you. I therefore offer you the opportunity to reply to me in good faith. Failure to respond to all of the below points will result in a Notice of Default and dishonour, confirming by Tacit Procuration that all of the below terms are true and correct, and I reserve the right to cancel my Direct Debit and to take this dispute to a higher authority.

In regards to the projected increase in my monthly energy bills, I would be happy to pay the increased prices on condition that you supply me with independent Bona Fide evidence of all of the following points:

1). Evidence that [British Gas] owns, in part or in whole, the natural resource known as Natural Gas, wherever its country of origin, despite Natural Gas being a natural resource made in abundance by the natural processes of planet Earth; and evidence therefore that it is not available to all, for free, on that basis, except for a reasonable service charge to cover costs of maintaining the infrastructure to supply gas to residential or commercial customers.

2). Evidence that [British Gas] owns gas and electricity meters plus all relevant metering equipment in full; and evidence that [British Gas] does not own only the serial numbers of gas and electricity meters, for billing and data purposes only; and evidence that gas and electricity meters plus all relevant metering equipment are not owned by National Grid Plc and/or gas pipeline and electricity supply delivery network companies. Note that if not owned in full by [British Gas], then it would therefore be fraudulent to enter my home to forcefully change my meters to smart credit meters or smart prepayment meters without my permission and the permission of  those external companies, should you decide to take action in response to any alleged underpayment or non-payment issues.

3). Evidence that Russia, and its alleged invasion of Ukraine (as stated publicly by the previous UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who also has recently pledged a further £54 million military aid package to Ukraine), has caused an increase in energy prices, and that supplies have been disrupted as a result; and evidence that the UK does not import less than 4% of Natural Gas from Russia, which could easily be offset by switching to increased supplies from Norway and other countries. Given that British Gas allegedly uses a mix of 75% Renewable sources and 25% Nuclear for electricity, as claimed on your website, this would seem to have a negligible effect, for electricity at least, regarding import disruptions and the continuation of energy supplied to customers. I therefore fail to see how a significant increase in your energy prices, especially for electricity, could possibly be justifiable. For example, see: [25/08/2022] and [accessed xx/xx/xxxx] and [27/07/2022] and [25/02/2022].

4). Evidence that energy price increases are due, in full or in part, to the commonly quoted reason given as “Russia has invaded Ukraine” [as per reason 2 on your website at: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx]; and evidence that Ukraine, aided and abetted by NATO, were not the first to break The Minsk Agreement by continuing war crimes against Russian people of the Donbas region as far back as 2014, in direct contravention of the Agreement; and evidence that the United Nations were not notified that the Agreement was terminated by the Ukrainian Government in 2018. For example, see: [23/02/2022].

5). Evidence that Russia intended to stop trading with western countries, including the US and the UK, although recent developments may change this situation; and evidence that the UK Government did not impose sanctions against Russia since 2019, having thus decided of its own accord to block and cease many Russian trades and imports. Russia is presently enjoying a surge in its economy due to record exports of gas, oil and wheat to other countries including the USA and China. For example, see: [26/08/2022] and [28/03/2022] and [01/04/2022] and [updated 05/08/2022].

6). Evidence that Ofgem’s price cap increase and the resultant energy price increases are not related to deliberate attempts to reduce carbon emissions as per the UK’s Climate Change Act 2008, similar policies and acts, or a global or governmental agenda of deliberate manipulation of supply and demand of energy. According to The Global Warming Policy Foundation, which has compared data on weather extremes, they are in normal ranges and Climate Change has not contributed to Global Warming, contrary to what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has claimed in its IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. It appears that the IPCC has distorted data to suggest that Climate Change and Global Warming are occurring more than usual, to justify enforced changes to global energy use in order to curtail carbon emissions. Your website even claims that the standing charges (part of energy tariffs) include “commitments to reducing CO2 emissions to combat climate change” in addition to other things like connections and infrastructure to carry energy, and funding government initiatives for vulnerable people. For example, see: [27/07/2022] and [accessed xx/xx/xxxx].

7.) Evidence, if there are global, incontrovertible factors at play, as is usually claimed by [British Gas] and other UK energy companies on their websites and in mainstream media, that the UK therefore does not have some of the highest electricity and gas prices, compared to the rest of Europe; and evidence that there are no differences with countries’ prices for electricity and gas. For example, see this report from July 2022: [01/09/2022].

8.) Evidence that [British Gas] and its holding company [Centrica], who have announced pre-tax profits of over £98 million in the first 6 months of 2022, will not profit additionally from charging higher energy prices as a result of Ofgem’s increased price cap. You claim on your website that only 1% of energy bills is profit for energy companies, but note that 1% of larger bills is more profit than 1% of smaller bills – for example, if my bill is £1500 per year, you claim that your profit would only be £15 (1%), but if my bill increased to £3000 per year, your profits would surge to £30 (still 1%)! See: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx] and [25/08/2022].

9.) Evidence that [British Gas], one of the largest and apparently most profitable energy companies, has done all it can to ensure that none of its customers are now in fuel poverty; and evidence that no more customers will be forced into fuel poverty as a result of increased energy prices due to Ofgem’s increased price cap. Fuel poverty, according to Ofgem, is defined as “Those households who need to spend more than 10 per cent of their annual income on fuel to maintain an adequately heated home are considered to be in fuel poverty.” See: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx]. Although [British Gas] have announced to pledge 10% of their profits, up to £12 million, to their [British Gas Energy Support Fund] to help vulnerable customers, there is strict eligibility criteria for customers to access this support, and apparently only approximately 0.5% of all [British Gas] customers would be eligible. For example, see: [25/08/2022].

10). [delete this point/paragraph if not relevant to you] Evidence that you have on record that my household has a vulnerable and disabled person; and evidence that we have been placed on your Priority Services Register; and evidence that you understand it would therefore be inappropriate for you to hand over any alleged underpayments or debts to your collections department or a debt collection agency or similar organisation because this would cause additional harm and distress to my household; and evidence that you will not hand over any dispute to your collections department without first acknowledging, with Bona Fide evidence, all of the points that I have laid out in this Notice, without exception.

This is a dispute, initially a Notice of Conditional Acceptance and a Notice of Opportunity to Cure, not a complaint or a letter. As a result you cannot in equity and at the risk of perjury, file for a default while a claim is being disputed. In the case of you filing for a default against me, I will then be forced to serve you with a no obligation challenge, and take this dispute to the relevant Ombudsman.  

Please supply me with satisfactory, independent Bona Fide evidence of ALL of the above points, not opinion or hearsay such as quotations from your website or from mainstream media, within 14 days from the receipt of this correspondence. Failure to do so will result in your agreement of my terms and conditions by Tacit Procuration. 

If you do not respond with satisfactory, independent Bona Fide evidence of all of the above points within 14 days, I reserve the right to cancel my direct debit with you and to continue paying you by means other than direct debit an amount not exceeding my current monthly direct debit, which is £[xxx.xx] per month; and if I choose to do so, I will also object if you then place me on a higher tariff with higher standing charges and/or higher unit rates, simply as a result of me cancelling my direct debit, as I have reason to believe this would amount to extortion and would therefore be a tort. I hereby notify you that any implied contract I have with [British Gas] is disagreeable, and any terms and conditions of that contract are null and void.

In conclusion, I believe we all have a right to an adequate lifestyle and a right to life, whether young or old, well or sick, employed or unemployed. The increased energy prices you will be charging after Ofgem lifts the price cap will directly and adversely affect the quality of my life, and of other members of my household, to the point that you will be responsible for financial injury, harm and loss, and what amounts to contravention of human rights.

Yours sincerely,

[sender to sign]

[print name of sender]

All Rights Reserved. Without Prejudice. Without ill will or vexation. Errors and omissions excepted.

Notice Three: NDE

[sender’s name and address]

[name of Energy Company and Head Office address]


Notice of Default and Estoppel.

Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal.

Dear Sirs/Madams,

Re: [British Gas] customer number [xxxxxx]

I am writing to you with regards to the correspondence that I wrote to you dated [xx/xx/xxxx], laying out my terms for a Conditional Acceptance of your price increase, anticipating a reply from you with Bona Fide evidence contrary to all of the points below. To date, I have received no reply from you.

You are therefore in default, and all of the below points are confirmed by Tacit Procuration that all of the below terms are true and correct, and I now reserve the right to cancel my Direct Debit and to take this dispute to a higher authority if I so wish.

As you have not given me any evidence to the contrary, despite given sufficient time, you agree that:

1). That [British Gas] does NOT own, in part or in whole, the natural resource known as Natural Gas, wherever its country of origin, because Natural Gas is a natural resource made in abundance by the natural processes of planet Earth; and it therefore available to all, for free, on that basis, except for a reasonable service charge to cover costs of maintaining the infrastructure to supply gas to residential or commercial customers.

2). That [British Gas] owns ONLY the serial numbers of gas and electricity meters, for billing and data purposes only; and that gas and electricity meters plus all relevant metering equipment are owned by National Grid Plc and/or gas pipeline and electricity supply delivery network companies. Note that as not owned in full by [British Gas], it would therefore be fraudulent to enter my home to forcefully change my meters to smart credit meters or smart prepayment meters without my permission and the permission of  those external companies, should you decide to take action in response to any alleged underpayment or non-payment issues.

3). That Russia has NOT invaded Ukraine (the opposite was stated publicly by the previous UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who pledged a further £54 million military aid package to Ukraine); and that this has therefore NOT caused an increase in energy prices, in which supplies have been disrupted as a result; and that the UK imports LESS than 4% of Natural Gas from Russia, which could easily be offset by switching to increased supplies from Norway and other countries. Given that [British Gas] allegedly uses a mix of 75% Renewable sources and 25% Nuclear for electricity, as claimed on your website, this would seem to have a negligible effect, for electricity at least, regarding import disruptions and the continuation of energy supplied to customers. I therefore fail to see how a significant increase in your energy prices, especially for electricity, could possibly be justifiable. For example, see: [25/08/2022] and [accessed xx/xx/xxxx] and [27/07/2022] and [25/02/2022].

4). That energy price increases are NOT due, in full or in part, to the commonly quoted reason given as “Russia has invaded Ukraine” [as per reason 2 on your website at: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx]; and that Ukraine, aided and abetted by NATO, were the first to break The Minsk Agreement by continuing war crimes against Russian people of the Donbas region as far back as 2014, in direct contravention of the Agreement; and that the United Nations were notified that the Agreement was terminated by the Ukrainian Government in 2018. For example, see: [23/02/2022].

5). That Russia NEVER intended to stop trading with western countries, including the US and the UK, although recent developments may change this situation; and that the UK Government has imposed sanctions against Russia since 2019, having thus decided of its own accord to block and cease many Russian trades and imports. Russia is presently enjoying a surge in its economy due to record exports of gas, oil and wheat to other countries including the USA and China. For example, see: [26/08/2022] and [28/03/2022] and [01/04/2022] and [updated 05/08/2022].

6). That Ofgem’s price cap increase and the resultant energy price increases ARE related to deliberate attempts to reduce carbon emissions as per the UK’s Climate Change Act 2008, similar policies and acts, or a global or governmental agenda of deliberate manipulation of supply and demand of energy. According to The Global Warming Policy Foundation, which has compared data on weather extremes, they are in normal ranges and Climate Change has not contributed to Global Warming, contrary to what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has claimed in its IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. It appears that the IPCC has distorted data to suggest that Climate Change and Global Warming are occurring more than usual, to justify enforced changes to global energy use in order to curtail carbon emissions. Your website even claims that the standing charges (part of energy tariffs) include “commitments to reducing CO2 emissions to combat climate change” in addition to other things like connections and infrastructure to carry energy, and funding government initiatives for vulnerable people. For example, see: [27/07/2022] and [accessed xx/xx/xxxx].

7.) That there are NOT global, incontrovertible factors at play, as is usually claimed by [British Gas] and other UK energy companies on their websites and in mainstream media; that the UK DOES have some of the highest electricity and gas prices, compared to the rest of Europe; and that there ARE differences with countries’ prices for electricity and gas. For example, see this report from July 2022: [01/09/2022].

8.) That [British Gas] and its holding company [Centrica], who have announced pre-tax profits of over £98 million in the first 6 months of 2022, WILL profit additionally from charging higher energy prices as a result of Ofgem’s increased price cap. You claim on your website that only 1% of energy bills is profit for energy companies, but note that 1% of larger bills is more profit than 1% of smaller bills – for example, if my bill is £1500 per year, you claim that your profit would only be £15 (1%), but if my bill increased to £3000 per year, your profits would surge to £30 (still 1%)! See: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx] and [25/08/2022].

9.) That [British Gas], one of the largest and apparently most profitable energy companies, has NOT done all it can to ensure that none of its customers are now in fuel poverty; and that MORE customers will be forced into fuel poverty as a result of increased energy prices due to Ofgem’s increased price cap. Fuel poverty, according to Ofgem, is defined as “Those households who need to spend more than 10 per cent of their annual income on fuel to maintain an adequately heated home are considered to be in fuel poverty.” See: [accessed xx/xx/xxxx]. Although [British Gas] have announced to pledge 10% of their profits, up to £12 million, to their [British Gas Energy Support Fund] to help vulnerable customers, there is strict eligibility criteria for customers to access this support, and apparently only approximately 0.5% of all [British Gas] customers would be eligible. For example, see: [25/08/2022].

10). [delete this point/paragraph if not relevant to you] That you have on record that my household has a vulnerable and disabled person; and that we have been placed on your Priority Services Register; and that you understand it would therefore be inappropriate for you to hand over any alleged underpayments or debts to your collections department or a debt collection agency or similar organisation because this would cause additional harm and distress to my household; and that you will not hand over any dispute to your collections department without first acknowledging, with Bona Fide evidence, all of the points that I have laid out in this Notice, without exception.

This is hereby an Estoppel which precludes you from asserting something contrary to the statements I have laid out in this or any other correspondence from me. In the case of you filing for a default against me, I will then be forced to serve you with a no obligation to pay challenge, and to take this dispute to the relevant Ombudsman.

Please also note the provisions laid out in the Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954, that should you decide to remove my meters for debt purposes, that action requires a warrant to authorise entry which is shown to the satisfaction of a justice of the peace or magistrate, on your sworn information in writing, and should be signed by a magistrate of the court, and must be presented to me to my satisfaction.

I now reserve the right to cancel my direct debit with you and to continue paying you by means other than direct debit an amount not exceeding my current monthly direct debit, which is £[xxx.xx] per month; and I will also object if you then place me on a higher tariff with higher standing charges and/or higher unit rates, simply as a result of me cancelling my direct debit, as I have reason to believe this would amount to extortion and would therefore be a tort.

I hereby notify you that any contract I have with [British Gas] is disagreeable and dishonourable, and any terms and conditions of that contract are null and void.

Yours sincerely,

[sender to sign]

[print name of sender]

All Rights Reserved. Without Prejudice. Without ill will or vexation. Errors and omissions excepted.